Ref No: HR 124 Program Name: Women Empowerment & Leadership

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
22 Jan 2024 26 Jan 2024 London, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
19 Feb 2024 23 Feb 2024 New York, US $ 6,750Registration Closed
20 May 2024 24 May 2024 London, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
29 Jul 2024 02 Aug 2024 Toronto, CA $ 6,950
16 Dec 2024 20 Dec 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
20 Jan 2025 24 Jan 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
17 Feb 2025 21 Feb 2025 New York, US $ 6,750
26 May 2025 30 May 2025 London, UK $ 6,750
28 Jul 2025 01 Aug 2025 Toronto, CA $ 6,950
15 Dec 2025 19 Dec 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750



Women in Leadership provides information to help women understand the qualities that make people leaders, and then teaches basic management skills that can be applied in the work place.  The emphasis is on women and addresses unique challenges and opportunities faced by women at work.

What you will gain from this course:

Women are taking an increasing role in the workforce, in UK for example women account for 54% of the total workforce, and U.A.E. has identified national women as necessary for the development of the Emirati business community and nation.

Course Delivery:

Teaching and learning strategies will involve a balance of discussion, group and pair work, self-rating questionnaires, video, activity/presentation sessions.  This course is led by an experienced and well qualified female trainer who has wide management and supervisory experience in U.A.E. and is able to assist participants whose first language is not English.


This course will help all women, whatever their background.  All women, from students to managers and those contemplating a return to work following absence to bring up a family, will increase confidence to develop their professional and positional power in the workplace.

As a result of attending this course: self-esteem will be enhanced, career opportunities will multiply, leadership will become more comfortable.  This will lead to greater income and increased freedom.

Program Content:

  I         The Characteristics of Effective Leaders

  • Your Leadership Potential
  • Identifying “Styles” of Leadership and a Model
  • A Leader’s Attitude and Vision
  • Stereotypes of Women and their Implications
  • Dealing with Prejudices Against Women as Leaders

 II          Leading Your Team

  • Yourself as an Effective Team Builder
  • Characteristics of Highly-Cohesive Teams
  • Characteristics of Team Members
  • Evaluating Your Team Players
  • Motivating Your Team?

III         Planning Tools

  • Goal Setting
  • Involving Your Team in Goal Setting
  • Getting Organised
  • Time Management Techniques
  • Getting the most out of Meetings
  • Delegating, not Abdicating
  • Decision Making

 IV        Women Managers as Problem Solvers

  • Resolving Conflict
  • Managing Difficult People
  • Coaching and Counselling
  • Feedback and Using “I” messages
  • Managing Stress

 V      Developing Assertiveness  and Confidence

VI       Action Plan for Implementation


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