Ref No: MM 115 Program Name: Procurement Planning and Bid Management

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
15 Apr 2024 19 Apr 2024 Nairobi, KE $ 5,250Registration Closed
20 May 2024 24 May 2024 Singapore, SN $ 5,750Registration Closed
29 Jul 2024 02 Aug 2024 London, UK $ 5,750
21 Apr 2025 25 Apr 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
26 May 2025 30 May 2025 Singapore, SN $ 5,750
28 Jul 2025 01 Aug 2025 London, UK $ 5,750



In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, effective procurement planning and bid management have become critical components of organizational success. This training initiative has been carefully crafted to empower procurement professionals, supply chain managers, and purchasing teams with the essential knowledge and skills required to streamline procurement processes, execute successful bid management strategies, and achieve procurement excellence.

In every organization, the role of procurement is pivotal, transcending industry and scale. Whether managing multinational corporations or small businesses, procurement professionals bear the significant responsibility of acquiring goods and services that align with quality standards, support operational needs, and contribute to the organization’s overall profitability. To fulfill this role efficiently, procurement experts must possess a comprehensive understanding of procurement planning, bid management, and adept negotiation capabilities.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of procurement planning and its significance in the overall procurement process.
  2. Develop effective procurement strategies aligned with organizational goals and objectives.
  3. Explore various sourcing methods and supplier selection criteria to make informed purchasing decisions.
  4. Learn the principles of bid management, including bid preparation, evaluation, and contract awarding.
  5. Enhance negotiation skills to achieve favorable outcomes and secure value for money.

Training Methodology:

The training methodology will be interactive and engaging, combining expert-led presentations, case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to work on real-life procurement scenarios, engage in simulations, and apply their learning in various bid management exercises. The program will promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration to address complex procurement challenges.

Target Audience:

This training program is designed for procurement professionals, purchasing managers, contract administrators, supply chain executives, and other stakeholders involved in the procurement process. Whether you are an experienced procurement practitioner or a newcomer seeking to enhance your skills, this program caters to the needs of diverse participants.

Daily Summary:

Day 1: Introduction to Procurement Planning

  • Understanding the procurement process and its importance in organizational success
  • Key components of effective procurement planning: scope, objectives, and strategy
  • Identifying procurement needs and defining requirements
  • Conducting spend analysis and market research to inform procurement decisions
  • Developing procurement plans that align with organizational goals

Day 2: Sourcing Strategies and Supplier Selection

  • Exploring various sourcing methods: competitive bidding, direct negotiation, and more
  • Supplier evaluation and selection criteria: quality, cost, delivery, and other factors
  • Leveraging supplier relationship management for long-term value creation
  • Case studies on successful sourcing strategies and supplier partnerships
  • Supplier performance evaluation and continuous improvement

Day 3: Preparing and Managing the Bid Process

  • Understanding the bid management process: pre-bid, bid evaluation, and post-bid phases
  • Preparing bid documents, requests for proposal (RFPs), and requests for quotation (RFQs)
  • Managing the bid evaluation process and conducting vendor interviews if needed
  • Techniques for bid analysis and vendor scoring to select the best suppliers
  • Developing effective communication strategies with suppliers during the bid process

Day 4: Negotiation Skills and Contract Awarding

  • Essential negotiation principles and strategies for procurement professionals
  • Overcoming common negotiation challenges and reaching win-win outcomes
  • Legal and ethical considerations in procurement contracts and agreements
  • Contract awarding and the importance of clear and concise contract documentation
  • Case studies on successful contract negotiations and supplier agreements

Day 5: Ensuring Compliance and Performance Monitoring

  • Understanding procurement regulations, policies, and compliance requirements
  • Risk management in procurement: identifying and mitigating potential risks
  • Monitoring supplier performance and managing contract variations
  • Implementing performance metrics to measure procurement effectiveness
  • Final workshop and action planning: applying learning to real-world procurement scenarios

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