Ref No: ML 163 Program Name: The Strategic Leader: Organizational & Management Reality

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
04 Mar 2024 08 Mar 2024 Houston, US $ 6,750Registration Closed
15 Jul 2024 19 Jul 2024 Toronto, CA $ 6,950Registration Closed
30 Sep 2024 04 Oct 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
28 Oct 2024 01 Nov 2024 London, UK $ 5,750
09 Dec 2024 13 Dec 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
07 Apr 2025 11 Apr 2025 Houston, US $ 6,750
14 Jul 2025 18 Jul 2025 Toronto, CA $ 6,950
29 Sep 2025 03 Oct 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
27 Oct 2025 31 Jan 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
08 Dec 2025 12 Dec 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750



The programme will concentrate on the skills required to lead, motivate, communicate, problem solve and manage the multiple tasks demanded by leaders and managers in today’s global organisations. We will explore tactics that will enable us to be better organised by delegating more effectively and using delegation as a motivator.  Participants will return to their organisations with a developing Action Plan to implement their learning from the programme into their daily routine at work.

This programme focuses on exploring the subtle shifts in Management thinking to go from a ‘Transactional Management” style towards a more “Transformational Leadership” approach.  Participants will learn the 4 essential competencies required of Transformational Leaders. We will explore and tap into the many tips, techniques and strategies used to ensure that peak performance is achieved and maintained. We define the 4 critical competencies as follows:

  1. Personal Organisation & Discipline: To deliver key tasks and principal accountabilities through clearly defined and monitored actions of others that report to you
  2. Empowering Culture: To create the environment that encourages staff members to have the ‘will’ to work and produce excellent results
  3. Effective Problem Solving: To demonstrate excellent problem solving and analytical skills, whilst being able to maintain a clear perspective of the issues being faced.
  4. Leadership Development: To possess the tools, techniques, methods and capabilities to translate the vision to reality.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this five-day workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise the difference between managing, leading and fire fighting
  • Demonstrate proactive behaviours that will inspire ‘follow-ship’
  • Describe the various values, benefits and down sides of a variety of different leadership case studies
  • Discover a variety of communication styles to effectively cope with different situations
  • Create a strategy and plan of action to implement in their organisation
  • Resolve people based problems in a creative way
  • Apply problem solving tools to real life situations (delegates should be prepared to work on a real problem which they currently face)
  • Discover the motivational keys to each employee.

Target Audience

  • Team leaders
  • Departmental managers
  • Front line supervisors
  • Project managers
  • Human resource professionals
  • Anyone who has the responsibility for Leading or Managing people or processes within their organisation.
  • Those individuals who need to support a company culture that encourages autonomy and empowerment will find this programme especially beneficial.

Training Methodology

This practical, fun and results-oriented program is based on adult learning concept. It incorporates short inspiring facilitated discussions with structured lessons from the learning manual; captivating PowerPoint slides with stories to enhance learning; a variety of pertinent video sequences, ongoing learning reinforcement and discussions with action planning; ample time for Q&A and training activities which will reinforce the key messages within a fun learning environment.

Program Content

DAY 1 – The Inspirational & motivational Leader in the 21st century organisation

  • The leader’s role in creating the environment for strong inspiration and motivation
  • Identifying leaders who have a passion for success
  • The characteristics of an ideal leader
  • The need for achievement, power and affiliation
  • Developing ‘follow-ship’ from your staff

DAY 2 –Communication – Developing verbal & non verbal skills to get the message heard

  • Communicating with enthusiasm
  • Identifying the barriers to communication
  • Developing Active listening skills
  • Understanding the Power of Body Language
  • Giving positive feedback as a motivating strategy
  • Communicating with confidence – presenting ideas, plans & proposals

DAY 3 – From Transactional Manager to Transformational Leader

  • The Impact of Change on management competence
  • Delegation – A leadership tool
  • Applying the theories of motivation into practice
  • Shaping the team to be fit for the future
  • Identifying sources of conflict in the organization
  • Strategies of resolving team and organisational conflict

DAY 4 – Personal Organisation & Capability

  • Defining delegation and its purpose as a leadership tool
  • The barriers to effective delegation
  • The principles of effective time & priority management
  • Identifying authority and responsibility vs. accountability
  • Delegation as a developmental tool in leadership

DAY 5 – Developing a ‘Transformational Leadership’ strategy

  • Exploiting the latent creativity within you
  • The steps for effective problem solving and decision making
  • Creating a vision and securing commitment from your team
  • Developing a comprehensive Personal Action Plan for implementation over 3, 6 9 and 12 months from today
  • Giving & receiving constructive critical feedback


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