Ref No: ML 149 Program Name: Effective: Decision Making & Problem Solving

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
26 Feb 2024 01 Mar 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
29 Apr 2024 03 May 2024 Houston, US $ 6,750Registration Closed
10 Jun 2024 14 Jun 2024 London, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
26 Aug 2024 30 Aug 2024 Toronto, CA $ 6,950
23 Sep 2024 27 Sep 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
18 Nov 2024 22 Nov 2024 Maryland, US $ 6,750
24 Feb 2025 28 Feb 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
05 May 2025 09 May 2025 Houston, US $ 6,750
23 Jun 2025 27 Jun 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
25 Aug 2025 29 Aug 2025 Toronto, CA $ 6,950



Of all the things we do at work decision making is critical. The aim of this program is to make delegates better, creative, decision-makers. Good decision-making brings about better results. A good decision is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful (creative) execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives. All of us possess creative thought; it’s the application that’s the issue. Participants will develop a deeper appreciation of the most common decision making processes and creative thinking skills used today and apply hem in multiple situations.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the concepts and practical application of decision making and its benefits.
  • Understand the role of creativity in the decision making process.
  • Develop creative thinking habits and apply these to decision making.
  • Provide insights into how to communicate decisions.
  • Improve the capacity for using creativity to solve day-to-day problems and realize win/win solutions.
  • Develop creative thinking habits for better solutions to typical problems that affect the organization.

Training Methodology

 This program uses award winning proprietary tools which make it as 42% more effective than traditional training. Each exercise is designed to not only add to a participant’s experiential knowledge and applied realization, but also to build on, and reinforce the previous learning. Participants are immersed in the entire learning system through games and strategies to make sure the learning is embedded in consciousness and long term memory.

Pre & Post-course assessments will be implemented to measure the effectiveness of this training.

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for all staff involved in handling problems and making decisions daily. It is ideal for managers wanting to develop skills and confidence in these essential competencies.

Program Content

 Day 1 – Approaches to Decision Making and Activating Creativity

  • What is a decision?
  • Sample decision making tools and processes used today
  • Sample processes for adopting creative ideas
  • Assessing opportunities and creating options: problem types, conditions and urgency
  • The gaps between modelling and implementation

Day 2 – Approaches to Decision Making

  • Understanding the decision making process in your organisation
  • The difficulties of analytical decision modelling process
  • A guide to carrying out the decision modelling process
  • Gathering all necessary information
  • The validation process and managing multiple perspectives

 Day 3 – Decision Making Applications

  • Decision making process in organisations
  • The difficulties of analytical decision modelling process
  • A guide to carrying out the decision modelling process
  • The gaps between modelling and implementation

Day 4 – Applying Creative Thought to Improve Business Results

  • Assessing the role of creative decision making inside your organization
  • Decision making and creative thinking in the negotiation process
  • Decision making and creative thinking in the planning process
  • Decision making and creative thinking in the problem solving process
  • Decision making and creative thinking in the hiring process/how to spot creative talent/performance process
  • Establishing decision making and creative thinking as a (departmental) processing

Day 5 – Creative thought in Generating Options

  • Barriers to creative thinking and the five habits of creative thinkers
  • How children are so creative – generating alternatives and their application
  • Creative thinking process: the explorer, the artist, the judge and the warrior
  • Where/how creative thinking can be applied exercise
  • Action planning


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