Ref No: HS 129 Program Name: Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
09 Oct 2023 13 Oct 2023 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
02 Jun 2025 06 Jun 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
29 Sep 2025 03 Oct 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750



Hazardous waste management and pollution control are critical issues for organizations that produce or handle hazardous waste. This training program will provide participants with an understanding of the regulations and guidelines governing hazardous waste management and pollution control. The program will focus on the best practices for waste reduction, handling, storage, and disposal. Participants will also learn about the risks and hazards associated with pollution and how to mitigate them.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the legal requirements and regulations for hazardous waste management and pollution control
  • Identify the types of hazardous waste and their characteristics
  • Develop an effective waste management plan
  • Learn the best practices for hazardous waste handling, storage, and disposal
  • Understand the risks and hazards associated with pollution and how to mitigate them

Training Methodology:

The training program will use a variety of methods, including lectures, case studies, group discussions, and hands-on exercises. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and best practices for hazardous waste management and pollution control.

Target Audience:

This training program is designed for environmental health and safety managers, facility managers, waste management professionals, and anyone involved in hazardous waste management and pollution control.

Program Content:

Day 1: Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution

  • Understanding the legal requirements and regulations for hazardous waste management and pollution control
  • Overview of the types of hazardous waste and their characteristics
  • Risk assessment and management for hazardous waste and pollution

Day 2: Hazardous Waste Management Plan

  • Developing an effective waste management plan
  • Best practices for hazardous waste handling, storage, and transportation
  • Emergency response planning and spill prevention

Day 3: Pollution Prevention and Control

  •  Understanding the sources and impacts of pollution
  • Strategies for reducing pollution and minimizing environmental impacts
  • Best practices for pollution control and monitoring

Day 4: Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal

  • Overview of hazardous waste treatment and disposal methods
  • Best practices for selecting treatment and disposal options
  • Regulatory requirements for hazardous waste disposal

Day 5: Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution Control Program Implementation

  • Implementing an effective hazardous waste management and pollution control program
  • Conducting internal audits and inspections
  • Continuous improvement strategies for hazardous waste management and pollution control


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