Ref No: OG 150 Program Name: Renewable Energy Management and Sustainability Issues

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
13 Mar 2023 17 Mar 2023 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
02 Oct 2023 06 Oct 2023 Istanbul, TR $ 5,750Registration Closed
27 Nov 2023 01 Dec 2023 London, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
22 Apr 2024 26 Apr 2026 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
23 Sep 2024 27 Sep 2026 Istanbul, TR $ 5,750
18 Nov 2024 22 Nov 2026 London, UK $ 5,750



The world is facing unprecedented challenges due to climate change, resource depletion, and the need for sustainable development. As the energy sector is a major contributor to these issues, renewable energy and sustainability have become critical areas of focus for policymakers, industry leaders, and communities worldwide.

The 5-day program on Renewable Energy Management and Sustainability Issues is designed to provide a cutting-edge, advanced level understanding of the latest renewable energy technologies, best practices for managing sustainability issues, and emerging trends in the field. This program is aimed at professionals who want to develop the skills to lead the transition towards a sustainable energy future.

The program will feature an in-depth analysis of renewable energy policies and regulations, exploring successful case studies from around the world. Participants will learn how to assess the sustainability of renewable energy projects, analyze project risks and opportunities, and apply critical thinking to overcome challenges. The program will also provide ample opportunities to network with industry experts and fellow professionals, allowing for a deeper understanding of current trends and challenges.

By the end of the program, participants will have a deep understanding of renewable energy technologies, policies, and sustainability issues, as well as the skills to assess the sustainability of renewable energy projects. The program will provide a unique opportunity to build a network of peers and industry leaders in the renewable energy field, facilitating ongoing learning and collaboration towards a sustainable energy future.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the program, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to

  • Understand the latest advances in renewable energy technologies and their potential for deployment.
  • Evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of renewable energy projects, including site selection, resource assessment, and project design.
  • Analyze renewable energy policies and regulations, including their impact on project development and investment decisions.
  • Apply sustainability assessment methodologies to renewable energy projects, including life cycle assessment, environmental impact assessment, and social impact assessment.
  • Identify and manage sustainability risks and opportunities in renewable energy projects, including stakeholder engagement, community impact, and biodiversity conservation.
  • Explore innovative financing mechanisms for renewable energy projects, including public-private partnerships, green bonds, and blended finance.
  • Develop project management skills specific to renewable energy projects, including project planning, risk management, and procurement.
  • Analyze market trends and emerging business models in the renewable energy industry, including energy storage, grid integration, and peer-to-peer energy trading.
  • Apply critical thinking to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in the renewable energy and sustainability field.
  • Network with industry experts and peers to share experiences, best practices, and collaboration opportunities.

By the end of the program, participants will have the skills and knowledge to drive the transition towards renewable energy and sustainability, and to overcome challenges in the rapidly evolving renewable energy landscape

Who Should Attend

 The program is designed for professionals who are involved in renewable energy projects or are interested in understanding more about renewable energy and sustainability issues. This includes engineers, project managers, sustainability professionals, policymakers, and anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of these topics..

Training Methodology

 The program will utilize a range of training methods, including interactive sessions, panel discussions, group exercises, and case studies. Participants will gain hands-on experience through practical exercises, simulations, and site visits to renewable energy facilities. The program content has been designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to drive the transition towards renewable energy and sustainability.

Program Content

 Day 1: Renewable Energy Technologies and Policy Landscape

  • Overview of renewable energy technologies and their current status in the energy mix
  • Exploration of the potential of various renewable energy sources including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass
  • Analysis of the technical and economic feasibility of renewable energy projects
  • Overview of international, national, and local renewable energy policies and regulations
  • Case studies of successful renewable energy projects from around the world
  • Discussion on the latest advances in renewable energy technology and their potential impact on future energy systems
  • Exploration of the integration of renewable energy with existing energy infrastructure and the electricity grid
  • Understanding the potential role of renewable energy in decarbonizing the energy sector and mitigating climate change
  • Exploration of the socio-economic benefits and challenges of renewable energy deployment
  • Overview of the potential of renewable energy in achieving energy access for all and promoting sustainable development.

 Day 2: Sustainability Assessment of Renewable Energy Projects

  • Introduction to sustainability assessment methodologies for renewable energy projects
  • Life cycle assessment of renewable energy systems, including environmental impact and carbon footprint analysis
  • Environmental impact assessment of renewable energy projects, including biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services
  • Social impact assessment of renewable energy projects, including community engagement and human rights considerations
  • Overview of international sustainability standards and certification schemes for renewable energy projects
  • Case studies of successful sustainability assessment and management of renewable energy projects
  • Exploration of sustainability risks and opportunities associated with renewable energy projects
  • Discussion on stakeholder engagement and community participation in sustainable renewable energy projects
  • Understanding the role of sustainable finance in supporting renewable energy projects
  • Exploration of sustainability reporting and disclosure frameworks for renewable energy projects.

 Day 3: Renewable Energy Project Development and Management

  • Introduction to renewable energy project development and management
  • Site selection and resource assessment for renewable energy projects
  • Overview of project development phases, including planning, design, construction, and operation
  • Risk assessment and management in renewable energy projects
  • Project financing mechanisms, including debt and equity financing, grants, and subsidies
  • Introduction to project management methodologies for renewable energy projects
  • Procurement and contracting for renewable energy projects
  • Exploration of supply chain management and logistics for renewable energy projects
  • Understanding the role of monitoring and evaluation in renewable energy project management
  • Case studies of successful renewable energy project development and management.

 Day 4: Renewable Energy Market Trends and Business Models

  • Overview of the renewable energy market landscape, including market size, growth rates, and market segments
  • Exploration of renewable energy business models, including power purchase agreements, net metering, and feed-in tariffs
  • Analysis of the energy storage market, including battery technology and energy storage systems
  • Exploration of the integration of renewable energy with energy storage and other complementary technologies
  • Discussion on the emerging trend of peer-to-peer energy trading and the role of blockchain technology in renewable energy markets
  • Understanding the potential of renewable energy in the electrification of transport and other sectors
  • Overview of the policy and regulatory landscape for renewable energy markets
  • Exploration of the role of corporate renewable energy procurement and sustainability commitments
  • Understanding the potential of renewable energy in creating new jobs and economic opportunities
  • Case studies of successful renewable energy market trends and business models.

 Day 5: Sustainable Energy Future and Leadership

  • Overview of the global energy transition towards renewable energy and sustainable development
  • Analysis of the energy sector’s role in mitigating climate change and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Understanding the potential of renewable energy in achieving a sustainable energy future
  • Exploration of the opportunities and challenges of transitioning towards a sustainable energy system


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