Ref No: OG 113 Program Name: Fundamentals of Crude Oil & Terminal Operations

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
15 Jan 2024 19 Jan 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
15 Jul 2024 19 Jul 2024 Nairobi, KE $ 4,750Registration Closed
30 Sep 2024 04 Oct 2024 London, UK $ 5,750
13 Jan 2025 17 Jan 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
14 Jul 2025 18 Jul 2025 Nairobi, KE $ 5,250
29 Sep 2025 03 Oct 2025 London, UK $ 5,750


Program Overview

Hydrocarbon industry is a risky business recause of its high flammability and toxicity. Understanding the various hazards involved and preparedness to take corrective actions are utmost import as safety stands first always.

Raw crude taken out from reservoirs through drilling and well completions are further processed to remove gas, water, salt and other impurities. The processed crude which is ready to export to refineries is called final crude or stabilized crude.

Final crude is stored in a number of tanks normally fixed roof tanks in the onshore location called tank farm area. This crude is to be metered, pumped and supplied to the export tankers berthed at ports or jetty for taking it to other countries or nearby refineries.

Design and operations of Marine Terminals are equipped for:

  1. Ship movement while loading
  2. Ship movement in bad weather conditions
  3. Hose disconnection on emergency
  4. Self sealing coupling
  5. Swivel system

Once this is known and understood there can be a better understanding of what is necessary to mitigate risks whilst at the same time improve safety and enhance efficiency during LPG shipment and operations.

When things do go wrong it is equally beneficial to understand how to tackle the emergency, but this can only be effectively achieved if you first know the characteristics and peculiarities of the commodity you are handling.

An oil depot (sometimes called a tank farm, installation or oil terminal) is an industrial facility for the storage of oil and/or petrochemical products and from which these products are usually transported to end users or further storage facilities. An oil depot typically has tankage, either above ground or underground, and gantries (framework) for the discharge of products into road tankers or other vehicles (such as barges) or pipelines.

An oil depot is a comparatively unsophisticated facility in that (in most cases) there is no processing or other transformation on site. The products which reach the depot (from a refinery) are in their final form suitable for delivery to customers. In some cases additives may be injected into products in tanks, but there is usually no manufacturing plant on site. Modern depots comprise the same types of tankage, pipelines and gantries as those in the past and although there is a greater degree of automation on site, there have been few significant changes in depot operational activities over time.

 Learning Objectives

 Participants attending the programme will:

  • Learn to know the basic process of producing crude oil from reservoir.
  • Identify the various hazards involved with handling of crude and the corrective actions & precautions.
  • An understanding of the main composition of crude oil and its use as feed
  • An overview of the different types of crude oil & characteristics.
  • Knowledge on the characteristics and the associated hazards if not contained or transported correctly
  • An insight on how crude oil  is quantified, and the instruments used
  • FPSO crude oil transfer to cargo tanks & mooring operations.
  • Transfer hoses and hawser arrangement
  • Utilization of tug boats.
  • A unique opportunity for direct interaction with one of the industry’s most experienced personnel on crude oil  terminal design, transportation and measurement.

Target Audience

  • Fresh & experienced  Tank farm Process Operators
  • Fresh & experienced  terminal Process Operators
  • Process Supervisors
  • Maintenance Supervisors
  • Team leaders or Managers
  • Maintenance Technicians
  • Marine crew involved in loading, transfer and transportation

Training Methodology

The programme will be interactive and practical. There will be work in groups exercises and everyone will get an opportunity to discuss subjects and raise questions.

A highly interactive combination of lecture/slide presentations, discussion, and short videos sessions will be managed by a Chemical Engineer with more than 25 years of field process operations experience and training activities in petroleum/petrochemical industries. He will try to maximize the amount and quality of information by knowledge and hands-on experience transfer.

The participants will also be encouraged to raise more of their own questions and to share developing the right solutions using their own analysis, observations and experience.

There will be a pre-test to know the candidates status and shape/tune training programme accordingly to suit them best and a post test after the completion of training.

Programme Content

 Day 1: Introduction to crude oil processing Industry

  • Crude oil production
  • Natural gas production
  • Components of crude oil
  • Gas separation
  • Water removal
  • Desalting
  • RVP concept
  • API gravity
  • Crude quality for exporting
  • Crude distillation products
  • Emissions and control

 Day 2: Hazards and control measures

  • Properties of treated crude oil
  • Light and heavy crude
  • Asphalt content
  • Sand content
  • H2S removal
  • Auto ignition temperature
  • Flammability
  • Toxicity
  • Explosive limits
  • Gas testing
  • Inerting Operations
  • PPE
  • Fire and Gas detectors
  • Foam system
  • Fire water and cooling
  • Hazardous area classification
  • Ex-proof instruments

 Day 3: Storage, pumping and metering

  • Central processing  centres
  • Crude treatment plant
  • Crude mixing/blending
  • Spiking with condensate
  • Off spec quality and re-processing
  • Degassing boots
  • Storage tanks
  • Temperature  control
  • Pressure control
  • Tank/Sphere farm
  • Pumping operation
  • Metering
  • Calibration of meters
  • Ultrasonic meters
  • Tank gauging
  • Reports of quantity transfer
  • Custody transfer legal requirements

Day 4: Terminal operation & Crude oil transfer.

  • Commercial Importance of  tanker ships /Shore Interface
  • Operational Importance of  tanker ships/Shore Interface
  • Supporting Organisations
  • SBM
  • Swivel system
  • Operation at bad weather conditions
  • Hoses
  • Houser arrangement
  • Auto detachable coupling
  • Design, Materials and Equipment
  • Communication devices
  • Coordination and control
  • Safety equipment
  • Training of personnel

Day 5: Transportation via tankers.

  • Types of tankers/vessels
  • Tank gauging
  • Ballasting operations
  • Temperature control
  • Evaporation
  • Vapour recovery system
  • Cold flares
  • Gas detectors
  • Fire detectors
  • Fire fighting equipment onboard
  • Personal Protective Equipment and First aid
  • Unloading procedure
  • Inerting operation
  • Professional Responsibility
  • Concluding sessions
  • Follow up activity list


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