Ref No: CM 118 Program Name: Masterclass: Oil & Gas Contracting

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
22 Apr 2024 26 Apr 2024 London, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
26 Aug 2024 30 Aug 2024 Houston, US $ 6,750
16 Dec 2024 20 Dec 2024 Barcelona, SP $ 5,750
06 Jan 2025 10 Jan 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
17 Feb 2025 21 Feb 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
17 Feb 2025 21 Feb 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
28 Apr 2025 02 May 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
28 Apr 2025 02 May 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
16 Jun 2025 20 Jun 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
07 Jul 2025 11 Jul 2025 London, UK $ 5,750



Effective buying is essential to the success of the modern organisation. It brings together an international network of suppliers that can provide goods and services cost effectively.

This programme will focus on the best practices for locating, utilising and managing global suppliers. You will also learn how to improve supplier performance, lowering prices, improving quality, shortening lead times, reducing inventory levels, and eliminating unnecessary costs.

Learning objectives

In this seminar you will learn how to:

  • Understand the role and importance of MRO inventory
  • See the effect of the maintenance policy on MRO
  • Understand that spare parts inventory as part of your entire system
  • Develop an appropriate measurement system to track progress
  • Do an analysis of spare parts inventory
  • Implement a working demand management methodology
  • Use the ERP system to its maximum extend

Target Audience

The target audience is anybody involved with procurement and finance.

Training Methodology

This practical and results-oriented training course for buyers is based on adult learning concept. It incorporates short, inspiring lectures with structured lessons from the learning manual; captivating PowerPoint slides with videos to enhance learning; ongoing discussions with action planning; ample time for Q&A; training activities to reinforce key concepts within a fun learning environment.

This program will be presented by a seasoned practitioner with many years of practical experience in procurement. Case studies and practical examples will be provided throughout in an interesting and interactive manner.

Program Content

Day 1 – The Legal Framework of Contracts

  • The need for contractual relationships
  • Formation of a Contract
  • The key elements and structure of a contract
  • Terms of the contract
  • Law and statue of the contract
  • Bonds, guarantees and warranties
  • Electronic contracts

Day 2 – Crafting a successful contract strategy

  • Different types of contracts
  • Tools for selecting the right contract strategy
  • Tender evaluation criteria
  • Calculating value: going beyond lowest cost
  • Service contracts
  • Framework agreements

Day 3 – Negotiation

  • Types of negotiation
  • Planning the negotiation
    • What to negotiate for
    • Roles & responsibilities of the team
    • Setting the limits
  • Creating a true WIN/WIN solution
  • Common negotiation strategies

Day 4 – Implementing the contract

  • Cost/Value reporting: Measuring progress
  • Managing changes to the contract/scope of work
  • Dealing with faltering projects

Day 5 – Contract termination

  • Dealing with claims
  • Dispute resolution
  • Force majeure
  • Contract termination
  • Evaluation and planning for the next phase




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