Ref No: MN 101 Program Name: Maintenance Planning, Scheduling & Control

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01 Jan 1970 01 Jan 1970 $ Registration Closed
12 Feb 2024 16 Feb 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
01 May 2024 05 May 2024 Istanbul, TR $ 5,750Registration Closed
19 Aug 2024 23 Aug 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
18 Nov 2024 22 Nov 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
09 Feb 2025 13 Feb 2025 Riyadh, KSA $ 4,750
30 Jun 2025 04 Jul 2025 Istanbul, TR $ 5,750
18 Aug 2025 22 Aug 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
17 Nov 2025 21 Nov 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750



Modern organisations are progressing from reactive management into predictive, productive management. This advancement requires well-planned and executed actions on several fronts.

This course provides the participants with principles of effective maintenance planning, as well as proven techniques for the development of an effective maintenance plan, the planning and control of maintenance work, shutdown management, and management reporting and analysis.

Learning Objectives

This course is designed to provide essential physical asset management skills, a clear understanding of your role and work more effectively within a team environment. Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify planning best practices and key elements for taking action on them
  • Understand how world-class organizations solve common planning problems
  • Evaluate their practices compared to those of others
  • Improve productivity through use of better, more timely information
  • Create and preserve lead-time in work management and use it for planning and scheduling resources
  • Improve consistency and reliability of asset information

Target Audience

This highly interactive course is suitable for a wide range of personnel who are part of maintenance planning, scheduling and control. These should include:

  • Maintenance Professionals
  • Maintenance Supervisors
  • Personnel designated as planners, or identified to become planners
  • Key leaders from each Maintenance craft
  • Key Operations Supervisors
  • Materials Management Managers/Supervisors
  • Key Maintenance support assistants
  • Other stakeholders in the Work Planning Function

Training Methodology

Participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences, to stimulate groupup discussion and efficiency of subject coverage. Case studies and worked out solutions will be given to the delegates upon conclusion of group discussions.

 Program Content

 Day 1 – Modern Maintenance Management Practice

  • Maintenance Practice in Perspective
    • Maintenance in the Business Process
    • Evolution in Maintenance Management
    • The Contribution of Maintenance to the achievement of the Business Objectives
    • Business, Operations and Maintenance Key Performance Area
    • The Maintenance Objective
  • Roles and Accountability

 Day 2 – Maintenance Policies and Logistics Planning

  • Equipment Classification and Identification
    • Functional Location
    • Equipment Type Classification
    • Equipment Identification
    • Part Number and Bill of Material
    • Documentation Structures
    • Document Identification and Classification
  • Maintenance Management Policies
    • Equipment Criticality Grading
    • Job Record Policy
    • Job Information Requirements
    • Principles of Work Order Design
    • Maintenance Work Prioritisation
  • Maintenance Logistics Planning
    • Logistic Support Analysis
    • Maintenance Task Detail Planning
    • Maintenance Work Estimating
    • Maintenance Levels
    • Support Documentation
    • Support Equipment
  • Personnel and Organisation

Day 3 – Failure Management Programme Development

  • Failure Modes, Effects and Consequences
    • Equipment Functions and Performance Standards
    • Functional Failures, Failure Modes & Failure Effects
    • Consequences of Failure
  • Failure Management Policies
    • Age Related Failure Patterns
    • Random Failure Patterns
    • Routine Restoration and Discard Tasks
    • Routine Condition-based Tasks
    • Failure-finding Tasks
  • Implementing Failure Management Policies
    • Proposed Routine Maintenance Tasks
    • Categorising and structuring Routine Maintenance Tasks
    • Corrective Maintenance Planning
  • Logistic Requirements Planning

 Day 4 – Work Planning, Scheduling and Control

  • Definition of Notifications, Defects, Deviations
  • Notification Process, Roles and Principles
  • Prioritising Notifications
  • Weekly Master Schedule
    • Master Schedule Objectives
    • Categorise the Outstanding Workload
    • Determine Resource Availability
    • Determine Equipment Non-utilisation Profile
    • Develop Draft Master Schedule
    • Conduct Master Schedule Review Meeting
    • Final Master Schedule and Implementation
  • Backlog Management

 Day 5 – Information and Performance Management

  • Management and Information
    • Information and Control
    • Management Levels and Information
  • Performance Indicators
    • Performance Indicators
    • Workload Performance Indicators
    • Planning Performance Indicators
    • Effectiveness Performance Indicators
    • Cost Performance Indicators
  • Management Reports

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