Ref No: ME 114 Program Name: Gas Turbine Operation & Troubleshooting

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
29 Feb 2024 02 Feb 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
23 Sep 2024 27 Sep 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
11 Nov 2024 15 Nov 2024 Istanbul, TR $ 5,750
27 Jan 2025 31 Jan 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
22 Sep 2025 26 Sep 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
10 Nov 2025 14 Nov 2025 Istanbul, TR $ 5,750



This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively operate, maintain, and inspect gas turbines. Gas turbines are widely used in power generation, aerospace, oil and gas, and other industries where efficient and reliable mechanical power is essential. As these turbines operate in demanding conditions, it is crucial to equip professionals with the expertise to ensure optimal performance, safety, and longevity.

Throughout this five-day program, participants will delve into the fundamental principles of gas turbine operation, gain insights into the various components that constitute a gas turbine system, and explore best practices for preventive maintenance and inspection. The training will also cover troubleshooting techniques to diagnose and rectify potential issues promptly, minimizing downtime and maximizing turbine efficiency.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the working principles and components of gas turbines used in different industries.
  2. Acquire knowledge of gas turbine operation, including the thermodynamic cycles and combustion processes.
  3. Develop skills for preventive maintenance and inspection of gas turbines to ensure reliable and safe operation.
  4. Learn troubleshooting techniques to identify and address potential issues affecting turbine performance.
  5. Improve gas turbine efficiency, reduce downtime, and optimize maintenance practices for enhanced operational outcomes.

Training Methodology:

The training program will employ a mix of interactive lectures, case studies, practical exercises, and group discussions. Experienced industry professionals and subject matter experts will lead the sessions, sharing their expertise and real-world insights. Participants will also engage in hands-on activities, simulating gas turbine operation, maintenance, and inspection scenarios.

Target Audience:

This program is intended for engineers, technicians, maintenance professionals, and supervisors involved in gas turbine operation, maintenance, and inspection. Professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in gas turbine technology and best practices are encouraged to attend.

Program Outline:

Day 1: Introduction to Gas Turbine Technology

  • Overview of gas turbines and their applications in different industries
  • Thermodynamic cycles and working principles of gas turbines
  • Major components of a gas turbine system

Day 2: Gas Turbine Operation & Control

  • Starting and stopping procedures of gas turbines
  • Gas turbine control systems and operational parameters
  • Hands-on: Simulating gas turbine start-up and operation

Day 3: Preventive Maintenance & Inspection

  • Importance of preventive maintenance for gas turbines
  • Inspection and monitoring techniques for gas turbine components
  • Hands-on: Gas turbine inspection and maintenance activities

Day 4: Troubleshooting & Diagnostics

  • Common issues affecting gas turbine performance
  • Troubleshooting techniques and problem-solving strategies
  • Hands-on: Gas turbine troubleshooting exercises

Day 5: Optimizing Gas Turbine Performance

  • Best practices for improving gas turbine efficiency and reliability
  • Developing an effective gas turbine maintenance plan
  • Final assessment and certification distribution

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