Ref No: OG 115 Program Name: Fundamentals of Oil & Gas for Beginners

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27 Feb 2023 03 Mar 2023 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
31 Jul 2023 04 Aug 2023 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
26 Feb 2024 01 Apr 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
22 Jul 2024 26 Jul 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed



The rapidly increasing worldwide demand for oil and natural gas as an energy source requires expertise in oil and gas engineering technology, which involves several production operations such as oil and gas exploration, oil refining operations, natural gas production and processing, products of oil and gas industry. In addition, one involved in such industry needs to be familiar with different gas sources, specifications, storage requirements, transportation, and distribution. This course is designed to provide a core understanding of the oil and gas industry, from upstream exploration and production to downstream refining, sales and marketing as well as a global view of the industry.

 Learning Objectives

At the end of this training program, delegates should be able to:

  • Describe exploration methods for crude oil and natural gas.
  • Describe production processes involved in oil and gas facilities.
  • State the main components of crude oil and natural gas.
  • Explain basics of how crude oil is separated into its components.
  • Explain basics of how natural gas is conditioned and processed.
  • State products of secondary processing of crude components (i.e. plastics, fertilizer etc.) and their relative economic values.
  • Describe world energy demand versus reserves.
  • Describe relationship between economy and energy.
  • Describes environmental issues involved in oil and gas industry.

Target Audience

Class delegates include anyone who needs to understand the oil and gas industry. New members of the industry will be given a great introduction. Marketing personnel will grasp the intricacies of how the products they market come to exist. The course is also suitable for experienced staff that may have joined the oil and gas industry from other industries or those working in specialist areas (e.g., engineering, marketing) that need an overview.

Training methodology

The seminar will use a range of interactive activities – group and individual exercises, case studies and discussions. There will also be formal inputs of theory and practical models. The programme is geared towards effective application of what has been learned in order to maximize the value of the seminar to both the individual delegate and his/her organization.

Program Content

Day 1:

The origins and accumulation of oil and gas

  • The formation of oil and gas
  • Migration
  • Entrapment and accumulation
  • Kinds of reservoirs
  • World crude oil reserves: size and location

Oil and gas reservoirs

  • Reservoir fluids
  • Oil and gas physical properties
  • Evaluation of reservoirs

The reservoir life cycle

  • Exploration
  • Development
  • Production
  • Abandonment

Exploration: methods and techniques


Crude oil and gas production

  • Reservoir drive mechanisms
  • Artificial lift systems
  • Oil recovery
  • Surface treatment
  • Storage and transportation

Day 2:

Oil refining

  • Refinery products

➢ Types

➢ Test methods

➢ Physical properties

  • Major areas of a petroleum refinery
  • Overview of operating units in a “typical” petroleum refinery
  • Refining stages
  • Atmospheric and vacuum distillation
  • Cracking Processes

➢ Catalytic cracking

➢ Thermal cracking

➢ Coking

➢ Hydrocracking

  • Catalytic reforming
  • Isomerization
  • Alkylation
  • Hydrotreating
  • Blending of finished products
  • LPG

Day 3:

Natural Gas

  • Types and Properties of Natural Gas
  • CNG and LNG
  • Gas quality specifications
  • Gas measurement units
  • Uses of natural gas
  • Environmental advantages
  • The basics of LNG
  • Fundamentals of gas transportation and distribution networks

Natural gas conditioning

  • Gas dehydration
  • Gas sweetening Natural gas processing Sulfur recovery

 Day 4:


  • Ethane and higher paraffins-based chemicals
  • Ethylene: sources and reactions
  • Propylene: sources and reactions
  • C4-unsaturates: sources and reactions
  • Benzene: sources and reactions
  • Toluene
  • Xylenes
  • Methane: sources and reactions
  • Petroleum-based polymers

Day 5:

Safety and environmental issues

  • Fire and explosion hazards
  • Personnel safety
  • Safety regulations
  • Hazards identification and assessment
  • Environmental regulations
  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Solid waste
  • Thermal and noise pollution

Oil and gas transportation

  • Ocean going vessels – tankers
  • Pipelines
  • Truck and rail
  • Distribution of petroleum products

Course closure




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