Ref No: OG 152 Program Name: Due Diligence in the Petroleum Business: Managing Joint Ventures & Potential Investors

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
05 Feb 2024 09 Feb 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
27 May 2024 31 May 2024 New York, US $ 6,750Registration Closed
02 Sep 2024 06 Sep 2024 London, UK $ 5,750
09 Dec 2024 13 Dec 2024 Houston, US $ 6,750
03 Feb 2025 07 Feb 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
02 Jun 2025 06 Jun 2025 New York, US $ 6,750
01 Sep 2025 05 Sep 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
08 Dec 2025 12 Dec 2025 Houston, US $ 6,750



This training focuses on the practical concepts of ‘due diligence’ from the perspective of parties involved in an oil and gas management and/or asset-based transaction. It provides an overview of the due diligence process from beginning to end. A discussion highlighting some of the features and differences of the due diligence process for an entity transaction is included for comparative purposes.

It aims to enrich and empower those involved with the knowledge and skills of how to address issues relating to due diligence and its wider impact in the workplace and how it relates to the Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility.


Management and conduct of businesses are now rested on ‘due diligence’; best governance and ethical practices built on transparent best practices for maximum economic returns and respected corporate reputation. In an increasingly competitive business environment, the temptation for unsavory sharp practices by companies or individuals does exist.

To this end, it is now incumbent upon businesses to put measures, processes and systems in place to show ‘transparency’ and prevent corrupt practices and sanction those who may engage in it for whatever reason.

This workshop is designed for those who have responsibilities to promote good understanding f ‘due diligence’, ‘effective corporate governance’ and eliminate all forms of corruption in business.

Learning outcomes

  •  Corporate governance as a critical management tool
  •  Due Diligence and its characteristics
  •  A brief introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry and its relations with ‘due diligence’
  •  Best ethical practices in business
  •  Develop and strengthen systems to prevent, monitor and detect corrupt practices
  •  International laws relating to anti-corruption in businesses such as Foreign Corrupt
  •  Practices Act 1977 (USA), Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Act 2000 (Nigeria) and UK Bribery Act 2010.
  •  Maintaining the best organizational culture
  •  The role of stakeholders in corporate governance

Indicative contents

–    Overview of corporate governance

–    Overview of the concept of ‘due diligence’

–    Business ethics – best practices in oil and gas sector

–    Global perspectives on corruption in business

–    Anti-Corruption – Legislations and Regulations

–    Managing risks and solving the problems through robust systems

–    Anti- bribery and anti-corruption policies

–    Drafting Policies with ‘due diligence’

–    What does your policy cover?

–    Who does your policy cover?

–    Employee responsibilities

–    How robust is your due diligence or anti-corruption risk assessment process?

–    Case studies of business ethics and anti-corruption programs.

Target Audience

–    HR Officers

–    Trade  or Union Officials

–    Those involved in ADR/Conflict Management

–    Legal managers, Legal counsel

–    Commercial and Business managers

–    Contracts administrators, and managers

–    Commercial, Corporate and Financial sector professionals

–    General Management, Line Mangers, Team Leaders, Department Heads,

–    Business owners, and anyone with management responsibility.

Training Methodology

The program will be interactive and practical in the form of a dialogue/workshop. Both group and individual work will be incorporated intermittently to strike a balance within the intended teaching and learning. At the end of the course a ‘reflective exercise’ will be embarked upon to plan for continuous professional development.

Program Content

Module 1

–    Introduction to Corporate Governance

–    The operative functionality of Corporate Governance

–    Overview of Due Diligence

–    What are the primary components or drivers of Due Diligence?

–    The relationship between Corporate Governance & Due Diligence

Module 2

–    The Business ethics and the Oil & Gas Industry

–    An overview of the impact of Corruption & Bribery in the Oil & Gas Industry

–    Consequences to the Stakeholders

–    Global Perspectives on Corruption in Business

–    Looking at some practical examples/case study

Module 3

–    The relevance and impact of Anti Corruption/Bribery policy and it’s nexus to Due diligence

–    The Laws in place – a brief examination

–    Managing Risks & Solving problems through robust Due Diligence

–    Drafting Policies

–    Case Study

Module 4

–    Due Diligence Policies

–    What goes into them

–    How to draft an effective DD Policy fit for the Oil & gas Industry

–    Will or Do Policies actually work??

Module 5

–    Drafting or Practical Exercise

–    What does your policy cover?

–    Who does your policy cover?

–  Scope and Relevance of Policy – Is it fit for purpose?

–     How robust is your due diligence or anti-corruption risk     assessment process?

–     Relevant Case studies of business ethics and anti-corruption Policy


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