Ref No: OG 128 Program Name: Streamlining Operations: Production Planning and Scheduling in Petroleum Refineries

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
22 Jan 2024 26 Jan 2024 Entebbe, UG $ 5,250Registration Closed
04 Mar 2024 08 Mar 2024 Singapore, SN $ 5,750Registration Closed
26 Aug 2024 30 Aug 2024 London, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
02 Sep 2024 06 Sep 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
25 Nov 2024 29 Nov 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750


Introduction :

Petroleum refineries play a critical role in the global energy sector, converting crude oil into a variety of valuable products essential for transportation, heating, and industrial processes. The efficient operation of these refineries is paramount to meeting market demand, ensuring profitability, and maintaining safety and environmental standards.

The training program “Streamlining Operations: Production Planning and Scheduling in Petroleum Refineries” addresses the challenges faced by refinery operators in optimizing production planning and scheduling processes. By focusing on best practices, advanced techniques, and modern tools, this program aims to empower participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance operational efficiency and maximize refinery performance.

Throughout the program, participants will explore key concepts related to production planning and scheduling in petroleum refineries, including refinery configuration, crude oil selection, product blending, and turnaround scheduling. By leveraging industry insights, case studies, and practical exercises, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to streamline operations and overcome common challenges in refinery management.

Through this comprehensive five-day training program, participants will acquire the knowledge, skills, and practical insights needed to streamline operations and optimize production planning and scheduling processes in petroleum refineries. By implementing best practices and leveraging advanced techniques, participants will contribute to improved efficiency, profitability, and sustainability in refinery operations.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of production planning and scheduling in petroleum refineries.
  2. Learn advanced techniques for optimizing refinery operations and maximizing throughput.
  3. Explore strategies for effective crude oil selection, product blending, and inventory management.
  4. Gain insights into turnaround scheduling and maintenance planning to minimize downtime.
  5. Apply learned concepts and tools to real-world scenarios to improve refinery performance.

Training Methodology:

The training program will utilize a blend of interactive lectures, case studies, workshops, and hands-on simulations to facilitate learning and skill development. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with experienced instructors and industry experts, sharing best practices and practical insights. Additionally, site visits to operational refineries and demonstrations of production planning software may be included to provide real-world context and practical experience.

Target Audience:

This program is designed for refinery managers, operations supervisors, production planners, engineers, and professionals involved in refinery operations and management. It is suitable for individuals at all levels of experience who are seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in production planning, scheduling, and optimization within the petroleum refining industry.

Five-Day Program Outline:

Day 1: Fundamentals of Refinery Operations

  • Introduction to petroleum refining processes and refinery configuration
  • Overview of production planning and scheduling in refinery operations
  • Understanding crude oil properties and selection criteria
  • Introduction to product blending and quality specifications
  • Case study: Analyzing refinery configurations and operational considerations

Day 2: Production Planning Techniques

  • Techniques for short-term and long-term production planning
  • Refinery optimization strategies to maximize throughput and yield
  • Introduction to linear programming and mathematical modeling in refinery planning
  • Workshop: Developing a production plan for a simulated refinery scenario
  • Group discussion: Challenges and best practices in refinery production planning

Day 3: Refinery Scheduling and Optimization

  • Overview of refinery scheduling processes and methodologies
  • Scheduling techniques for maximizing equipment utilization and minimizing bottlenecks
  • Introduction to advanced scheduling software and tools
  • Case study analysis: Optimizing refinery scheduling for peak performance
  • Workshop: Hands-on practice with refinery scheduling software

Day 4: Turnaround Planning and Maintenance Management

  • Importance of turnaround planning in refinery operations
  • Strategies for efficient turnaround scheduling and execution
  • Overview of maintenance management practices in petroleum refineries
  • Case study: Planning and executing a successful refinery turnaround
  • Group activity: Developing a turnaround plan for a refinery maintenance project

Day 5: Performance Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring refinery performance
  • Techniques for monitoring and analyzing operational data
  • Strategies for driving continuous improvement in refinery operations
  • Final project presentation: Participants showcase their production optimization plans and receive feedback from instructors and peers
  • Closing remarks: Reflections on key learnings and actionable takeaways for participants’ roles in refinery operations and management


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