Ref No: FI 163 Program Name: Understanding Taxation and fiscal regimes in the extractive industries.

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12 Feb 2024 16 Feb 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
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29 Sep 2025 03 Oct 2025 London, UK $ 5,750



The extractive industries, such as mining and oil and gas, are critical sectors of many economies worldwide. Understanding the taxation and fiscal regimes applicable to these industries is essential for professionals working in these sectors. This five-day training program aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the key taxation and fiscal concepts relevant to the extractive industries.

The extractive industries play a crucial role in many countries’ economies, as they involve the exploration, extraction, and processing of natural resources such as oil, gas, and minerals. Extractive industry projects are often large and complex, involving significant investment, technical expertise, and regulatory oversight. As such, understanding the taxation and fiscal regimes applicable to these industries is essential for professionals working in this field.

The taxation and fiscal regimes that apply to the extractive industries can be complex and multifaceted, encompassing various forms of taxes, royalties, and other fiscal instruments. These regimes can have a significant impact on project economics, investment decisions, and government revenue. Moreover, the extractive industries are often subject to international tax rules, treaties, and standards, adding another layer of complexity to the tax and fiscal landscape.

The program will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the key taxation and fiscal concepts relevant to the extractive industries. The program will cover topics such as tax incentives, tax treaties, transfer pricing, financial analysis, and best practices in taxation and fiscal management. Participants will have the opportunity to develop practical skills in taxation and fiscal analysis through case studies, group exercises, and discussions. Ultimately, the goal of the program is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the taxation and fiscal regimes of the extractive industries effectively.

Learning Objectives:

  •  Understand the taxation and fiscal regimes applicable to the extractive industries.
  • Identify the key components of tax regimes, such as tax incentives, tax treaties, and transfer pricing.
  • Analyze the financial impacts of taxation and fiscal regimes on extractive industry projects.
  • Identify best practices in taxation and fiscal management within the extractive industries.
  • Develop practical skills in taxation and fiscal analysis for the extractive industries.

Training Methodology:

This training program will use a combination of lectures, case studies, group discussions, and exercises. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and perspectives to facilitate a more practical learning experience.

Target Audience:

This training program is suitable for professionals working in the extractive industries, including government officials, financial analysts, tax accountants, auditors, and legal professionals.

Program Content:

Day 1: Introduction to Taxation and Fiscal Regimes in Extractive Industries

  • Overview of the extractive industries and their importance to economies
  • Introduction to taxation and fiscal regimes in extractive industries
  • Understanding tax incentives and tax treaties
  • Case studies on taxation in the extractive industries

Day 2: Understanding Financial Impacts of Taxation and Fiscal Regimes 

  • Financial analysis and modeling of extractive industry projects
  • Evaluation of tax structures and their impact on project economics
  • Analysis of transfer pricing and its impact on tax revenues
  • Group exercise on financial analysis of an extractive industry project 

Day 3: Best Practices in Taxation and Fiscal Management 

  • Principles of good fiscal governance in extractive industries
  • Key features of effective fiscal regimes
  • Discussion of international standards and guidelines for taxation and fiscal management
  • Case studies on best practices in taxation and fiscal management

Day 4: Developing Practical Skills in Taxation and Fiscal Analysis 

  • Application of financial modeling techniques to extractive industry projects
  • Analysis of tax incentives and tax treaties
  • Development of a transfer pricing policy
  • Group exercise on tax planning for an extractive industry project

Day 5: Advanced Topics in Taxation and Fiscal Regimes 

  • Overview of the latest trends and developments in taxation and fiscal regimes
  • Analysis of emerging issues in taxation and fiscal management
  • Discussion of international tax competition and its impact on extractive industry projects
  • Case studies on current issues in taxation and fiscal management
  • feedback

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