Ref No: ML 131 Program Name: Unconscious Bias: Fostering Workplace Diversity

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
12 Feb 2024 16 Feb 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
24 Jun 2024 28 Jun 2024 Edinburgh, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
26 Aug 2024 30 Aug 2024 Singapore, SN $ 5,750
18 Nov 2024 22 Nov 2024 London, UK $ 5,750


Introduction :

In today’s diverse and inclusive workplaces, addressing unconscious bias is essential to creating an equitable and thriving environment. This 10-day training program, “Unconscious Bias: Fostering Workplace Diversity,” is designed to help participants recognize and mitigate unconscious biases that can influence decision-making, relationships, and overall workplace culture. In this introduction, we will explore the significance of addressing unconscious bias, outline the learning journey ahead, and highlight the transformative impact it can have on individuals and organizations.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, participants will:

  1. Understand the concept of unconscious bias and its impact on workplace diversity.
  2. Recognize common types of bias and their manifestations.
  3. Develop self-awareness regarding their own biases.
  4. Gain tools and strategies to mitigate bias in decision-making.
  5. Enhance communication and collaboration skills in diverse teams.
  6. Foster an inclusive workplace culture.
  7. Implement best practices for addressing bias and promoting diversity.
  8. Create a personalized action plan for bias reduction and diversity enhancement.
  9. Engage in peer learning and support to sustain progress.
  10. Reflect on their journey towards fostering workplace diversity.

Training Methodology:

This program adopts an interactive and learner-centric approach, incorporating the following methods:

  • Facilitator-led discussions and workshops.
  • Self-assessments and reflective exercises.
  • Case studies and real-world examples.
  • Group activities and role-playing scenarios.
  • Guest speakers sharing expertise and experiences.
  • Peer-to-peer learning through discussions and group projects.
  • Online resources, videos, and articles for continuous learning.
  • Individual coaching sessions for personalized guidance.
  • Action-oriented assignments to apply learning to real-world situations.
  • Feedback mechanisms and evaluation for ongoing improvement.

Target Audience:

This program is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including:

  • Leaders, managers, and supervisors at all levels.
  • HR professionals responsible for diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Team members aiming to enhance their understanding of bias and diversity.
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners committed to fostering inclusive workplaces.
  • Anyone interested in promoting diversity and mitigating unconscious bias.

Program Content:

Day 1:

Introduction to Unconscious Bias and Diversity

  • Defining unconscious bias and its impact on workplace diversity.
  • The business case for addressing bias.
  • Exploring the role of bias in decision-making.
  • Personal reflection on pre-training biases.

Types and Manifestations of Unconscious Bias

  • Common types of unconscious bias (e.g., affinity bias, confirmation bias).
  • Bias in hiring, promotion, and performance evaluation.
  • Microaggressions and subtle bias in the workplace.
  • Identifying real-world examples of bias.

Day 2:

Self-Awareness and Bias Recognition

  • The importance of self-awareness in addressing bias.
  • Self-assessment tools for uncovering personal biases.
  • Recognizing bias triggers and patterns.
  • Strategies for ongoing self-monitoring.

Mitigating Bias in Decision-Making

  • Strategies for reducing bias in recruitment and hiring.
  • Bias-aware performance evaluations and feedback.
  • Implementing blind screening and structured interviews.
  • Case studies: Organizations successfully mitigating bias.

Day 3:

Effective Communication in Diverse Teams

  • Effective cross-cultural communication.
  • Building inclusive communication practices.
  • Strategies for active listening and empathy.
  • Promoting psychological safety in teams.

Fostering Inclusive Workplace Cultures

  • The role of leadership in creating inclusive cultures.
  • Employee resource groups (ERGs) and affinity networks.
  • Inclusive policies and practices.
  • Encouraging allyship and advocacy.

Day 4: Addressing Bias and Promoting Diversity

  • Recognizing and addressing bias incidents.
  • Establishing reporting and response mechanisms.
  • Building diverse talent pipelines.
  • Supplier diversity and community engagement.

Personalized Action Plans for Bias Reduction

  • Reviewing the program journey and key takeaways.
  • Developing a personalized action plan for bias reduction.
  • Peer review and feedback on action plans.
  • Committing to ongoing growth and progress.

Day 5: Peer Learning and Support

  • Sharing progress and challenges with peers.
  • Small group discussions and brainstorming sessions.
  • Peer coaching and accountability partnerships.
  • Leveraging the collective wisdom of the group.

Reflection and Graduation

  • Reflecting on the transformational journey of addressing bias.
  • Sharing personal growth stories and insights with peers.
  • Graduation ceremony and certificates of completion.
  • Networking and ongoing support within the diversity and inclusion community.

By the end of this 10-day training program, participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and commitment to address unconscious bias and foster workplace diversity, contributing to inclusive, equitable, and high-performing organizations.