Ref No: FI 130 Program Name: Risk Focused Approach for Pension Fund Management & Supervision

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
22 Jan 2024 26 Jan 2024 Accra, GH $ 5,250Registration Closed
13 May 2024 17 May 2024 Nairobi, KE $ 5,250Registration Closed
05 Aug 2024 09 Aug 2024 Zanzibar, TZ $ 5,250Registration Closed
28 Oct 2024 01 Nov 2024 Kigali, RW $ 5,250
20 Jan 2025 24 Jan 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
19 May 2025 23 May 2025 Nairobi, KE $ 5,250
04 Aug 2025 08 Aug 2025 Zanzibar, TZ $ 5,250
27 Oct 2025 31 Oct 2025 Nairobi, KE $ 5,250



Pension funds are an essential component of the retirement system, providing financial security for individuals and families. As pension funds are typically long-term investors, effective management and supervision are critical for achieving their investment goals and ensuring the security of pension benefits. A risk-focused approach is essential to the effective management and supervision of pension funds.

This training program aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply a risk-focused approach to pension fund management and supervision. The program will cover a range of topics related to risk management, investment strategy, governance, and regulatory considerations. Participants will learn about best practices and strategies for managing risks in pension fund management, which they can apply in their professional roles.

The training program is designed to be interactive and practical, with a focus on real-world scenarios and case studies. Participants will have opportunities to share their experiences and challenges in pension fund management and supervision, learn from their peers, and receive feedback from experienced trainers.

By the end of the training program, participants will have the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and supervise pension funds, identify and mitigate risks, and ensure the security of pension benefits. The program will also provide participants with valuable insights into the role of pension funds in the retirement system, the legal and regulatory considerations, and best practices for achieving investment goals.

Overall, the training program will enable participants to make a positive impact on pension fund management and supervision, enhance their professional skills, and contribute to the financial security of individuals and families.

Learning Objectives:

  •  Understand the principles of risk-focused approach to pension fund management and supervision
  • Identify and assess risks associated with pension fund investments
  • Develop and implement effective risk management strategies in pension fund management
  • Understand the legal and regulatory framework for pension fund management and supervision
  • Build effective governance structures and investment policies for pension funds

Training Methodology:

  •  Interactive discussions and group activities
  • Case studies and real-world scenarios
  • Guest speakers from the pension fund industry
  • Presentations and lectures by experienced trainers

Target Audience:

  •  Pension fund managers and supervisors
  • Investment managers and analysts
  • Risk managers and analysts
  • Regulators and policy makers
  • Pension fund trustees and board members

Program Contents:

Day 1: Introduction to Risk Focused Approach for Pension Fund Management & Supervision

  • Principles of risk management in pension fund management
  • Legal and regulatory framework for pension fund management
  • Pension fund investment strategies and risks

Day 2: Risk Identification and Assessment in Pension Fund Management

  • Types of risks in pension fund management
  • Risk identification and assessment techniques
  • Risk management strategies for pension funds

Day 3: Governance and Investment Policies for Pension Funds

  • Effective governance structures for pension funds
  • Building investment policies and strategies
  • Role of trustees and board members in pension fund management

Day 4: Regulatory Considerations in Pension Fund Management

  • Regulatory frameworks for pension funds
  • Compliance and reporting requirements for pension funds
  • Managing legal and regulatory risks in pension fund management

Day 5: Monitoring and Evaluation of Pension Fund Investments

  • Investment performance measurement and evaluation
  • Investment risk reporting and analysis
  • Best practices for monitoring and evaluating pension fund investments.


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