Ref No: FI 135 Program Name: Introduction to Investment Management

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
01 Jul 2024 05 Jul 2024 Zanzibar, TZ $ 5,750Registration Closed
30 Sep 2024 04 Oct 2024 Victoria, SE $ 4,750
02 Dec 2024 06 Dec 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 5,250
30 Jun 2025 04 Jul 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
29 Sep 2025 03 Oct 2025 Victoria, SE $ 5,750
01 Dec 2025 05 Dec 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750



The “Introduction to Investment Management” training program is a comprehensive five-day course designed to provide participants with a solid foundation in investment management principles and practices. This program aims to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to make informed investment decisions and effectively manage investment portfolios.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of investment management, including key concepts and terminology.
  2. Gain insights into different types of investment vehicles and their characteristics.
  3. Learn techniques for analyzing financial markets and evaluating investment opportunities.
  4. Develop strategies for constructing and managing investment portfolios.
  5. Acquire knowledge of risk management techniques and investment performance evaluation.

Training Methodology:

The training program will employ a combination of interactive lectures, case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises to facilitate learning and application. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze real-world investment scenarios, collaborate with peers, and engage in hands-on activities to reinforce their understanding of investment management concepts and techniques.

Target Audience:

This program is suitable for professionals and individuals interested in the field of investment management. It is designed for individuals who are new to investment management or those who wish to enhance their understanding and skills in this area. This program will benefit finance professionals, investment analysts, wealth managers, and individuals involved in investment decision-making.

Training Program Outline:

Day 1: Introduction to Investment Management

  • Overview of investment management and its importance in wealth creation
  • Understanding investment objectives, risk tolerance, and investment horizon
  • Introduction to asset classes and their characteristics

Day 2: Financial Markets and Investment Analysis

  • Analysis of financial markets and factors influencing investment decisions
  • Techniques for evaluating investment opportunities, including fundamental and technical analysis
  • Introduction to valuation methods and metrics

Day 3: Building and Managing Investment Portfolios

  • Portfolio construction principles and strategies
  • Asset allocation techniques and diversification
  • Introduction to portfolio optimization and rebalancing

Day 4: Risk Management in Investment Management

  • Types of investment risks and their measurement
  • Risk management techniques, including hedging and derivatives
  • Introduction to portfolio performance evaluation and benchmarking

Day 5: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Investment Management

  • Introduction to ethical considerations and responsible investment practices
  • Overview of regulatory and legal frameworks in investment management
  • Discussion of current trends and challenges in the investment management industry


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