Ref No: FI 157 Program Name: Masterclass Managing Fraud Investigations

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15 Apr 2024 19 Apr 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
26 Aug 2024 30 Aug 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750Registration Closed
21 Apr 2025 25 Apr 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
25 Aug 2025 29 Aug 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750



The Advanced Risk Management training program is designed to equip participants with advanced knowledge and skills in risk management. The program will focus on current and emerging trends in risk management, providing participants with practical tools and techniques to identify, analyze, and manage various types of risks faced by organizations. The training program will be delivered by experienced industry professionals, who will share their practical knowledge and insights with participants. Through interactive discussions, case studies, and group exercises, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of risk management and develop the skills required to implement effective risk management practices within their organizations.

The training program will cover a wide range of topics, including risk identification, risk analysis, risk mitigation, risk monitoring, and risk reporting. Participants will also learn about the latest regulatory requirements related to risk management and how to ensure compliance. By the end of the training program, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to implement advanced risk management practices within their organizations, helping to safeguard their organizations from a wide range of risks.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of advanced risk management concepts and techniques.
  • Learn how to apply advanced risk management tools and techniques in practice.
  • Enhance your ability to manage emerging risks.
  • Understand the importance of risk culture and how to embed a risk-aware culture in the organization.
  • Develop practical skills through hands-on exercises and case studies.

Training Methodology:

The training program will use a combination of lectures, group discussions, case studies, and hands-on exercises to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of advanced risk management concepts and techniques.

Target Audience:

The program is designed for risk management professionals with at least three years of experience in risk management. It is also suitable for executives and board members who are responsible for overseeing the risk management function.

Program Content

Day 1 – Introduction to Advanced Risk Management

  •  Overview of advanced risk management concepts and techniques
  • Risk governance and risk appetite
  • Emerging risks and horizon scanning
  • Case study: Identifying emerging risks

Day 2 – Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing

  •  Scenario analysis and stress testing techniques
  • Building stress test scenarios
  • Interpreting stress test results
  • Case study: Conducting a stress test

 Day 3 – Risk Culture and Conduct Risk

  • Understanding risk culture and its importance
  • Embedding a risk-aware culture in the organization
  • Conduct risk and managing non-financial risks
  • Case study: Assessing the organization’s risk culture

Day 4 – Quantitative Risk Management

  •  Quantitative risk management techniques
  • Value-at-risk and expected shortfall
  • Monte Carlo simulation and other risk modeling techniques
  • Case study: Using Monte Carlo simulation for risk management

Day 5 – Risk Reporting and Communication

  • Effective risk reporting and communication
  • Communicating risk to different stakeholders
  • Using data visualization to communicate risk
  • Case study: Preparing a risk report for the board

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