Ref No: FI 146 Program Name: Advanced Enterprise Risk Management

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
16 Sep 2024 20 Sep 2024 Nairobi, KE $ 5,250
16 Dec 2024 20 Dec 2024 Chicago, US $ 6,750
10 Feb 2025 14 Feb 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
16 Jun 2025 20 Jun 2025 Cape Town SA $ 5,750
15 Sep 2025 19 Sep 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
15 Dec 2025 19 Dec 2025 Chicago, US $ 6,750



The training program on “Advanced Enterprise Risk Management” is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to implement an effective enterprise-wide risk management framework within their organizations. In today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment, organizations face various risks that can impact their strategic objectives, operations, and financial performance. A robust enterprise risk management (ERM) system enables organizations to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks effectively, leading to improved decision-making and enhanced resilience.

During this five-day program, participants will gain in-depth insights into advanced concepts and practices in enterprise risk management. They will explore topics such as risk governance, risk appetite and tolerance, risk culture, risk assessment methodologies, risk monitoring and reporting, and integration of risk management with strategic planning and performance management. The program will also focus on emerging trends and challenges in enterprise risk management, including the impact of digital transformation, cybersecurity risks, and geopolitical uncertainties.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the fundamental principles and components of enterprise risk management.
  • Explore advanced concepts and techniques for risk identification, assessment, and mitigation.
  • Gain insights into developing and implementing an effective risk governance framework.
  • Learn how to integrate risk management into strategic planning and decision-making processes.
  • Enhance skills in risk monitoring, reporting, and communication to key stakeholders.

Training Methodology:

The training program will utilize a blend of interactive lectures, case studies, group discussions, practical exercises, and real-world examples. Expert facilitators with extensive experience in enterprise risk management will lead the sessions, providing practical insights and sharing best practices. Participants will engage in hands-on activities to apply the concepts learned and analyze real-life scenarios. The program will also encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants through networking opportunities and group exercises.

Target Audience:

The training program is suitable for risk managers, internal auditors, compliance officers, finance professionals, senior executives, board members, and individuals involved in enterprise risk management and strategic planning. It is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in advanced enterprise risk management or those responsible for implementing or overseeing risk management processes within their organizations.

Program Outline:

Day 1: Introduction to Advanced Enterprise Risk Management

  • Understanding the importance and benefits of enterprise risk management
  • Overview of the components and principles of an effective ERM framework
  • Risk governance and the role of the board and senior management
  • Case studies: Successful implementation of enterprise risk management

Day 2: Advanced Risk Identification and Assessment

  • Techniques for identifying and assessing strategic, operational, financial, and emerging risks
  • Risk appetite and tolerance: Setting risk thresholds and risk-return trade-offs
  • Scenario analysis and stress testing for risk assessment
  • Group exercise: Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment

Day 3: Integrating Risk Management with Strategy and Performance Management

  • Aligning risk management with strategic objectives and decision-making processes
  • Strategic risk management frameworks and methodologies
  • Linking risk management to performance measurement and value creation
  • Case studies: Integrating risk management into strategic planning

Day 4: Risk Monitoring, Reporting, and Communication

  • Developing effective risk monitoring and reporting mechanisms
  • Key risk indicators (KRIs) and early warning systems
  • Risk reporting to stakeholders and board of directors
  • Group exercise: Designing a risk monitoring and reporting dashboard

Day 5: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Enterprise Risk Management

  • Digital transformation and its impact on risk management
  • Cybersecurity risks and managing technology-related risks
  • Geopolitical uncertainties and global risk landscape
  • Simulated exercise: Addressing emerging risks in a dynamic environment

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