Ref No: HS 128 Program Name: Advanced Safety Leadership

Starts Ends Venue Fees Join Now
08 Jul 2024 12 Jul 2024 London, UK $ 5,750Registration Closed
21 Oct 2024 25 Oct 2024 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
27 Jan 2025 31 Jan 2025 London, UK $ 5,750
14 Apr 2025 18 Apr 2025 Lisbon, PT $ 5,750
16 Jun 2025 20 Jun 2025 Istanbul, TR $ 5,750
20 Oct 2025 24 Oct 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 4,750
29 Dec 2025 02 Jan 2026 London, UK $ 5,750



Any industry must be committed to protecting the health, safety and the surrounding environment of all employees, facilities, members of the public and the environment. In addition, it seeks to prevent workplace related illness or injury to all employees and contractors and also promotes the importance of occupational health and safety in all aspects and operations of the refinery.

This commitment extends to implementing a system of monitoring potential hazards and their impacts in order to ensure that applicable laws, standards, regulations and industry codes of practice are not compromised.

Operating safely in any industry demands efficient control systems and constant vigilance at all stages of the processing and delivery operation. Highly trained Environment and Safety team observes strict adherence to safe practices, against criteria set internationally for the handling, storage and delivery of products.

Procedures for the receive of raw materials and finished products, as well as, the processing of final products and their delivery to the trade are monitored by state-of-the-art equipment on a twenty-four (24) hour basis.

In addition, an ongoing training programme must be implemented for staff as well as seminars for other stakeholders including contractors, marketing companies and government agencies.

In this short training programme you will get the benefit on how to link these three major issues (Health, Safety & Environment) at work and you will get the opportunity to learn and understand the importance of having a complete package in dealing with these issues.

Objectives & Benefits

  • An improved understanding of the changing perceptions of safety around the world
  • Introduction of new environmental legislations and standards for the workplace
  • Acquaint with new approaches and methodologies in risk management principles and techniques identify & quantify hazards
  • Ensure safe practices and reduction of errors, mishaps and/ or accidents; analyse incidents & near-misses
  • Identification of polices and procedures that can have long term effects on the safety culture of the company
  • Provide the participants with a structured and phased approach to creative safety management
  • Identify the main pollutants and how to control them
  • Understand the new techniques in environmental protection
  • Appreciate the importance of having a safe working environment
  • Learn and be aware of environmental protection acts and laws

The course will impart these principles using practical application of techniques and “hands-on” experience on software packages, with case studies and examples.

Target Group: New Graduates, Junior Engineers, senior engineers, Managers, Supervisors, Safety Personnel & Plant Engineers.

Learning  Objectives

A graduate of this course should be able to:

  • Understand how to plan, organise, lead, and control within an organisational setting.
  • Increase individual knowledge and understanding of self, the dynamics of group and team interactions, and their impact upon productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.
  • Recognise the skills and techniques needed for problem solving and decision making.
  • Understand the application of laws and the legal system to the business environment, especially employment related laws.
  • Utilise human relations/human resource management skills and abilities in a business organisational setting.
  • Communicate effectively both orally and in writing in business situations.
  • Understand basic statistical and quantitative analyses and their application in a business environment.
  • Understand the international arena and its current role and impact on business.
  • Recognise the importance of business ethics and social responsibility to business operations.
  • Understand basic accounting methods and broad functions of marketing and their applications to business.
  • Utilise information systems for efficient, effective human resource management processes and systems.
  • Apply the strategic management process to an analysis of the current business environment, identify and forecast trends, and make recommendations on preferred courses of action.

Program Content

Module 1  Leadership Skill:

· Vision
· Mission
· Strategic Objectives/Goals
· Budgeting
· Strategic thinking on way forward
· Change Management/New Culture and commitment

Module 2 Performance Management:

· Balance Scored Cards
· Key Performance Indicators ( KPI)
· Bench Marking
· Performance Appraisal
· Communication Skill
· Decisions making & Problem Solving Skills
· Team work & work culture

Module 3  Managing Change:

· Communication Skill/Communication Channels
· Organization change
· Change Process ( Tool box talk, weekly meeting,..etc.)
· Reduce Resistance to change & best utility Practice to management changes.
· Motivation Skill

Module 4  Extra support

In addition to the above topics the candidate will gain knowledge and case studies in
Principles of Management

  • Quality Management (TQM);
  • Introduction to Management Information Systems
  • Business and Technical Communication
  • Supervision and management of Human Relations
  • Managerial Decision Making and Economics
  • International Business
  • Management of Organisational Behaviour

Case studies and group discussion and Sharing views (trainees and instructors workshop)

Module 5 – Overview of Safety, Loss Prevention & Environment Protection

Modern day industrial and business practices require more than just defensive safety and security polices and traditional safeguards. An innovative, scientific and predictive approach to risk and safety must be developed & applied based on the requirements of the industry.

  • Legislations and standards covering workplaces
  • Introduction of Safety Culture in Industrial setting
  • Risk Control & Safety
  • Assessing Risk potential of a facility
  • The Safety Case Approach
  • Elements of environmental protection

Safety Culture at the Workplace

Building Good safety culture among the workforce is long-term defence against occurrence of hazards

  • Motivation and employee involvement
  • Development of proactive safety culture
  • How to promote safety culture
  • Behavioural Safety and employee’s involvement
  • Selection of outcome indicators
  • Attitudes in the workplace
  • Manager operator relationships

Module 6 Safety Performance and Environment Monitoring

In any industry, the safety performance of the various functional areas and personnel needs to be measured to establish the safety standards of the company

  • Measurement of Safety
  • Near-miss Reporting/ Investigation of accidents
  • Maintenance of Critical Equipment
  • Safety Performance and Reliability – Terms & Concepts
  • Matching environmental risk to safety performance

Safety Management Systems

A plant’s safety program should include aspects such as recognition and control of hazards, elimination of unsafe acts, avoidance of accidents, etc.

  • The need for SMS
  • Safety system standards & technologies
  • Principles of environmental regulations
  • Systems of implementation environmental protection
  • Adoption of HASAWA principles
  • Evaluating the Results with standards
  • Development of Loss Prevention Policies and Procedures

Module 7 Hazard Identification & pollution Control

The goal of the hazard identification and control program is to make the workplace and its operations as safe as possible, to the extent feasible, and to keep employees from being harmed

  • Hazard Identification & Control Program
  • Modes & Classification of Hazards
  • Principles & techniques of identifying chemical hazards
  • Environmental hazards
  • Health & safety at work rules

Techniques of Hazard Identification

Hazard identification/ classification is normally based on techniques and methodologies developed from basic understanding of material properties and experience in handling and storage

  •  Strategy for Hazard Assessment
  • Hazard Identification Process
  • General Techniques of Hazard Identification
  • Ranking Methods, Checklists, WHAT-IF….?, HAZOP, etc.
  • Use of HAZOP Technique
  • Human factors in HAZOP study
  • Use of special features in computerized HAZOP techniques
  • Analysis of information from P&I diagrams, PFD, etc
  • Composition & Selection of the team
  • Preparation of Reports
  • Selection of Techniques

Module 8   Hazard Assessment of workplaces

Assessment of workplace must be accomplished to eliminate or reduce impact from hazards

  • Hazards in the Workplace
  • Problem Solving & Eliminating hazards
  • Pollutants types and control
  • Environmental impact of industry and how to reduce it

Module 9 Managing the Industrial Fires/ Explosions

Fires in oil & petrochemical installations pose a serious hazard to both life and property. It is essential, therefore, to understand the ways in which fire can occur and develop. The use of risk assessment should not be confined to major accident analysis, but be detectable throughout the normal operation of the facility

Case Studies of Industrial Fires & Explosions

Major Effects on environment caused by  Chemical Accidents

Consequences of accident on health 7 environment – use HAZAN technique

Consequence analysis considers the physical effects and the damages caused by workplace accidents. The basis of Cause Consequences Analysis (CCA) is the ability to estimate the most likely hazardous consequences of accidental releases of toxic and flammable gases or liquids under various conditions of release

  • Components in Consequence Analysis
  • Spill & Leaks related to environmental pollution
  • Case Studies of Accident Scenarios
  • Assessment of Consequences on environmental issues
  • Identification of hazardous areas
  • Results from Hazard Quantification procedures
  • Short listing of Events and Follow up

Probabilistic Assessment of consequence due to mal-operation, loss of control & equipment failure

Using analytical tools such as “what If “, hazard and operability study (HAZOP), failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), or “fault-tree” analysis, most of the possible process breakdowns can be determined. The likely cause of the unwanted events and its most probable failures sequence can be determined using these techniques

  • Process control and safety control
  • Construction of Fault Tree/ Event Tree
  • Probability Analysis
  • Evaluation of HAZOP results through Quantification techniques
  • Examples & case studies

Module 10 Control of Ignition using Hazardous Area Classification

Identifying the sources of ignition & estimating the probability of ignition and of explosion if a leak occurs is an important element in reducing the risk of its occurrence

 Sources of Ignition & Fire spread possibilities

  • Control of Ignition Sources
  • Features of an effective model for ignition probability
  • Description & Definitions of Zoning

Selection & Safeguarding of Equipment in Hazardous Locations

Electrical and non-electrical equipment located in hazardous areas need to protected against causing accidental ignition

  •  Safety of Hazardous Equipment
  • Basic Principles in the various types of protection
  • Methods of Protection
  • Classification & Selection of Electrical Apparatus
  • Safeguarding of Electrical/ Non-electrical equipment
  • Marking & Certification of Equipment

Management of environmental issues

An emergency in a plant is one that has the potential to cause serious injury or loss of life. It may cause extensive damage to property and serious disruption both inside and outside the plant

  •  Prevention of pollution and environment damage
  • Pollution Control Measures
  • Detection of leaks to stop pollution
  • Environmental Emergency Response Plan
  • Basic environmental Plan Requirements
  • Detailed Emergency Response Plan for pollution
  • Maintaining the Plan of pollution control
  • Learning from Incidents/ Near-misses

Application of Risk Assessment to industrial operations

Workshop/ discussion on applying hazard identification techniques

Case Studies, examples & application 



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